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AMD announces discontinuation of multiple products without direct replacement

Today's Xinwen Comprehensive Tom's Hardware and AMD official website reported on January 18 that due to the decline in operating rate and sustainable supplier, AMD announced that it will discontinue a variety of programmable logic device products (CPLD and FPGA), including XC9500XL, Coolrunner XPLA 3, Coolrunner II, Spartan II and Spartan 3, 3A, 3A, 3E, 3ADSP Commercial/Industrial "XC" and automobile "XA" product series.

The suspension notice also lists the critical date and order information of the above products: the final order (LTB) will be accepted by June 29, 2024 according to the availability of the material; It will be considered as non -canceled and cannot be refunded (NCNR); the final delivery (LTS) must be performed on December 28, 2024; June 27, 2025.
In addition, the notice clearly states that all CPLDs or FPGAs that have been suspended are "not directly replaced." This means that if AMD chooses no alternative products in the future, it will marked the end of the company's CPLD products.